Thursday 21 June 2018


Four years ago, I was preparing for the arrival of my second child & first daughter. Fast forward to today & she is getting ready to leave me & start reception - where have the years gone? 

Today, Felicity had a visit to big school to get ready for starting in reception in September. 
she was so excited, she has been talking about it all week, & as you can imagine she was very excited to drop her big brother off at school this morning, so she could go herself. 

We got there a little early before any of the other children, so we just sat in reception. Or should I say, I sat in reception whilst Felicity kept her eyes firmly peeled on the door waiting for someone to come & tell her it was time to go in! soon enough, all the other children who are also starting in September began to arrive & Felicity got a little nervous then, she came & sat on my knee & was just observing all the other children, then finally, at 9.30am, Mrs Thomas, one of the reception teachers came to let everyone in! Felicity & the rest of the children were then lead to the reception classroom where they would be playing for the next two hours - which turned out to be the exact classroom Joel was in when he attended reception, so I had a small advantage when it came to getting all the toys out, because I knew where the best ones were.

Felicity spent a lot of the morning playing in the play-dough area, that was for sure her favorite activity, but she also had a wander around to try other things too, before then going back to the play-dough table! because what kid doesn't love play-dough right?! 

Mrs Thomas already knows Felicity as she was Joel's teacher when he was in reception, so she has actually known Felicity since she was a baby & I was bringing her on the school runs to collect Joel. She herself can't quite believe that Felicity is also now going to be coming to school, & with any luck, Mrs Thomas will be her teacher too! We will find this out in the next couple of weeks, just before Joel breaks up for the holidays! 

Here are a few other pictures of the fun Felicity got up to on our 2 hour visit. 

Felicity will have a few more visits to school before she starts in September, she has two more visits in June, one of which she will get to stay for Lunch, & then two more in July, when she will be in her allocated class for September! 

I still can't quite believe that my little Ladybug is going to be starting school. part of me isn't quite ready to let her go, but at the same time, I can see she is so ready for this adventure, today proved that. 

So I guess this mummy will just have to get over herself ;) 

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